Conference Organization
Completeness and cooperation among the world countries to spread cultures and exchange information, not to forget the UN programs in all countries regarding women issues, terrorism, environment protection, anti- smoking and woman and child health issues, resulted in an increased need for companies that are specialized in conference and even management and organization.
The varied accumulated experiences during many years provide Microscope with excellence in this field and had a high rank among the local companies that provide and organize conferences, through:
Complete supervision on conference organization
Reception service: transportation from/ to the airport, ticket reservation.
Reserving the halls and required hotel rooms with low prices.
Provision of the conference devices and equipment.
Provision of simultaneous translation devices, interpreters (a specialized and experienced team).
Lighting systems.
Lap- tops, screens, data- show, projectors, printers and more.
Supervising the secretarial works.
Securing the printed materials (background brochures, files, bags … etc.) .
Organizing tourist trips in Jordan (read more).
The financial assessment and budget defining.
Securing sponsors for the conference.
Consultio is a professional consulting company
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.
2nd Feb, 2018
Exhibition Planning & Exhibition Management21st Jul, 2018
Growth internationallyfirst half of the 2018s19th Aug, 2018
The purpose of the business plan2nd Jan, 2019
Focus business history on what matters to planning22nd Sep, 2019
History to Unite and Inspire People12th Jan, 2018
Establishment of Constrio8th Jul, 2018
Registered as a construction company18th Aug, 2018
Construction bought the Greek company Delta27th Sep, 2018
For lean business plans, operational plans, and strategic plans8th Jul, 2019
Award winner
We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capability building, with an emphasis on emotional.
Kathleen Smith
Senior Director

I love that moment when we find the connections between organisations and envisage the initiative or platform.
Van Hunter
Senior Director

He was great in planting the seed and allowing the group to transition into a collaborative discussion pertaining.
Macquarie Telecom
Leadership Group

We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capability building, with an emphasis on emotional.
Fred L Smith
Senior Director