We have expanded more due the variation of exhibitions, fairs and conferences. In this context, we have managed a large number of exhibitions in parallel with local and international conferences while securing large spaces most notable (IFATCA2011). In addition, we have provide all necessary equipment for the exhibitors in terms of spaces, electricity, the name of the company (types), lighting, seats, tables, printed materials, show screen (HD) as well as any other necessary designs for the concerned company.
On the other hand, we have designed special brochures for various large local and international companies. Our priority is to provide modern and well-developed designs that reflect the main purpose, with three dimension design by the most skilled specialists without any financial obligation until the approval and signing the agreements. Moreover, we have designed modern backgrounds with varied sizes, and banner design which are consistent with the meeting rooms and the sized of participants, not to forget the provision of large screens and the latest lighting types (as shown in the photos bellow).
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.
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Consultio comes with a beautiful collection of modern, easily importable, and highly customizable demo layouts. Any of which can be installed via one click.